Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Farm Store will reopen May

Although our open air Farm Store is now closed until next May, our delicious homemade preserves, homemade pies and grass fed, hormone & antibiotic free beef are still available. Please just phone ahead if you wish to come to the farm. Also all of our products are at the Innnisfail Growers booth at The Calgary Farmers Market.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

U-Pick Peas by appointment

Doesn't get any fresher than that!!

Great experience for the kids and grandkids.

Price is $1.00 per pound and snacking is free!!

Please phone ahead 403-350-0659 for availability and an appointment 8AM - 8 PM Monday - Saturday.

Sorry no U-pick Sunday or pets in the field.

Picking Peas

Peas are now ready, we are picking super sweet garden peas daily for our farm store and the

Farmer's Markets at the Innisfail Growers booth.

We will have fresh peas until the first frost, barring severe weather issues.

Our farm store is open 8AM - 8PM, seven days a week.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Asparagus Crowns

For anyone wishing to plant their own patch of asparagus, we now have a few Jersey Supreme Aspragus crowns available at our farm store, Downtown Market on 104th in Edmonton and the Calgary Farmers Market. We will only have them for a couple of weeks. ,


We have just started picking yesterday and it tastes DELICIOUS!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Asparagus is starting to grow

Our granddaughters are thrilled to find the first spear of asparagus poking out of the ground. We walked over our field and found enough delicious little spears to BBQ for supper. As long as we do not get any frost, we will be picking within a few days.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seeding Garden Peas

Finally, we were able to find a small dry area in our field and get the first planting of peas planted the other day. This is the latest we have ever got started planting peas since 1986 when we first started growing them on a field scale. Please note the snow on the background. I was really suprised when I looked at the planted peas today and they have already started to sprout. They are going to come fast!! Can hardly wait for that first tiny baby pea!!